SR 19c whA lot of my clients come to me and give me a whole stack of forms that they received from their insurance company. 95% of these forms are garbage. You should not complete them, nor should you complete any form sent to you from the other person’s insurance company. But what about the other 5%?
The other 5% consists of 1 single form. Its a form from DMV called an SR-1. This form MUST be completed if you are involved in an accident and there is $750 or more in property damage OR someone is injured or killed. Its a mandatory requirement of DMV. When you get the form from your insurance company, send it in. The insurance company cannot do it for you. If you don’t get it from your insurance company, get it from DMV.
After you complete this form, it generates a letter to the other party. They must complete their insurance information. Then, you or your attorney can send to DMV a SR-19c which will get you the other person’s insurance information. If the other person does not have insurance, you will also be able to verify this through this form.
The recap: Don’t complete any forms from your insurance company without talking to an attorney except for the MANDATORY SR-1, which you can also get from DMV. Then, you or your attorney can send in the SR-19c to get the other person’s insurance company.