Someone on Craigslist wrote to one of the forums about an experience they had. This person was driving a car in the evening and struck another vehicle. The driver got out, looked around, and saw no one was there. So, they took out pen and paper and wrote down all of their information.
BRAVO! This is exactly what you should do if you hit a vehicle and no one is around. In California, you are required to leave your name, number, address and insurance information. If you do not, and someone sees you, you can be cited for leaving the scene of an accident. Yes, it is serious. Your license can be suspended by DMV and you could face criminal charges.
The posters insurance adjuster made a comment that the poster should not have done this. That adjuster should be fired. In most states, if not all, you are required to leave your information if you are involved in an accident. Do not try to take the quick way out. Do what you are supposed to do and leave your information.
Not only will you be following the law, but you will be doing the moral thing!