The insurance companise have actually surprised me with a new trick. This one I admit I have not seen before, nor have I ever really contemplated it. The defense attorneys in a civil case want the plaintiff’s attorney to shut down his website during the trial. They are concerned that jurors will not follow the judge’s instructions and may google the attorney. If they do, they will find his website and read his articles about medical malpractice.
Here is a link to a story about this. Just so you can see the original sources, here is a link to Gerry’s blog and his website.
I have to tell you that this is a new one. It shows creativity by the defense attorney, but also a lack of understanding of anything. First, the defense attorney is saying that people on juries cannot be trusted to do the right thing and follow the rules. I guess the insurance industry does not trust people to be honest. That is quite telling. Second, the defense attorney does not want any advertising done during a trial? Gerry’s website is an advertisement for his services. Finally, should the defendant doctor take down his website? Maybe the defense firm, assuming they have one? How about the insurance company?
I think the defense attorney really did not think this through. He is calling in to question the ethics of anyone who might be on a jury. Now you know what the insurance companies really think.