NO NO NO NO NO! But they only want to ask me about fixing my car. Now can I talk to them? NO NO NO NO NO! But, but they say they NEED to talk to me. Now? NO NO NO NO NO!
Why am I so firm on this? Because you may say something that you think is not a big deal that they will jump all over. For example, while they are talking to you about fixing your car, the appraiser says “How are you doing?” You say “Fine.” This is what the insurance company hears: “I am not injured.”
Huh? Yes, that’s right. The appraiser goes back and documents the file that you said you were not hurt. Now it is time to settle your case. What do you think the adjuster is going to say? “On XX day, you told my appraiser you were not hurt. Here is $500 to settle your case.”
Trust me on this – do not talk to anyone from any insurance company until you have consulted with an attorney. At least you will know your rights.