I received a few letters yesterday from insurance companies about clients’ cases. Two of the letters had identical wording:
“It is difficult for me to understand the nature and extent of the injuries given the amount of damage.”
First, it is not that difficult to understand if they would start thinking, and stop using a computer. People can be hurt in all types of accidents. The force of the impact has nothing to do with the injury and any doctor will tell you this. Heck, in my last trial, the defense expert admitted this.
Second, they don’t understand because they do not ask questions. They send this letter, and then they deny the claim. They never bother to investigate. Insurance adjusters are, if the job is done right, investigators. If you do not investigate, you will never understand anything about a claim.
When you receive a letter with those words in it, it is time to get an attorney. The insurance company is basically calling you a liar.