First, I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Please be safe.
Second, for those of you driving, I want to give you my top 10 list, if you will, of safe driving tips this holiday season.
1. Do NOT drink and drive. In California, the legal limit is .08.
2. Buckle up.
3. Pay attention.
4. Do not speed. Speed is deadly and causes many accidents.
5. Do not ignore stop signs and red lights. This is something so simple, but causes so many accidents. Stop when the light is red.
6. Avoid the blind spots of big rigs. Use your lights when you are near big rigs, even during the day.
7. Slow down at night.
8. Plan your trip. Make sure you know where you are going and you have a map or directions.
9. Read the rules of other states. If you are going to drive in another state, make sure you know their laws. Some states have differences and you need to be aware of these.
10. Avoid potential road rage situations.
Have a safe and happy holiday!