Question: Most lawyers say that I should not contact the insurance company after a car crash. Why should I call my insurance company?
Answer: Typically, you do NOT want to talk to an insurance company after a car accident. There is little good that comes from it. The adjuster will want to take a recorded statement. If they record the statement, the questions will be poorly worded and confusing. Anything you say, as the expression goes, can and will be used against you later.
But, let’s be clear: your insurance company requires you to report a claim to them as soon as possible after a crash. Most insurance policies state that you must report a claim within a specified period of time.
So, I tell you to report a claim after a auto accident so that you are in compliance with your insurance policy. If it turns out that the other person has no insurance or their insurance policy denies coverage, you could end up with an uninsured motorist claim. If you have never reported the claim, the insurance company COULD deny the claim.
But what do you say when you talk to the insurance company? Here is all you tell them:
1. Your name;
2. Your policy number;
3. The car you were driving;
4. The date of the accident;
5. The time of the crash;
6. The location of the car accident;
7. The name of the other person, along with the other person’s phone number, address and insurance company information;
They will ask you more questions. They will want more information. Do NOT give it to them. Tell them that they can call you back after you have had a chance to decompress. And speaking of decompressing, do NOT call them immediately after the crash. Wait a few hours so you can think coherently, you can check on yourself and your family, and you are sure you have re-read this so you know exactly what to say.
Sometimes you are required to talk to the insurance company. When that comes up, this is all you should tell them after a car crash.