It is scary how much the insurance companies know about you. They know everything. They know where you live. They know where you lived previously. They know who lives with you. They know everything.
Remember, insurance companies track EVERY claim, including the amount of your treatment and the amount of the settlement. So, if you were involved in a dog bite in 1999 and settled the claim for $10,000, the insurance company for your car accident in 2014 knows this. They know what doctors you saw, how much the bills were and when you were done treating.
How do they track you? They use your name, date of birth and social security number. So while there may have been two John Smiths born on September 1, 1980, they have different social security numbers. They will use that to track the differences.
But, when they want to get cute, they run a report without the social security numbers. So now John Smith from Hollywood, CA looks like John Smith from Riverside, CA and they then tell Hollywood John that he was in an accident 2 months before. Hollywood John denies this but the adjuster says “Look, its in our report. We know it happened.” Then it is up to you to prove that they are wrong.
Crazy, but true. Remember that the insurance companies track everything. Do not give them any more about you then they absolutely need. Unsure if they need certain information? Ask them why they need it and ask them to put the request in writing. Then you can decide what you want to do in response to their request.