Insurance adjusters like to demand you do things. You must do this. You must do that. You have to cooperate with them. (And with certain things you do have to cooperate – if you are making a claim to your own insurance company.) They can be very demanding. But sometimes they are simply demanding things that you do NOT have to do.
For example, insurance adjusters will ask you for a recorded statement. You do not need to give them one. There is no requirement that you give the other party’s insurance company a recorded statement. In fact, even your own insurance company probably cannot demand a recorded statement unless it is specifically written into the policy that way. So you can talk to them, although I don’t really recommend that, but you do not have to let them record your statement.
Further, the insurance adjuster wants to get all of your medical records. When I say all of your records, I mean all of them. They will look at your mammograms, your pap smears, and for guys, they will see your vasectomy records. I still have yet to figure out what this has to do with a car accident!
Frankly, it is none of his or her business. You can get your own records and provide them to the adjuster. There is no prohibition against this. Heck, when you hire an attorney, most times, the attorney will get your records, pull out any records that are not related, and then send the related records to the adjuster. That works well enough for us, so it should work just fine if you decide to represent yourself. If you do hire an attorney, let him (or her) know if you have private medical conditions that should not be disclosed.