I received two emails today from clients asking about the credit card bail out that they read about on the internet or heard about on the radio. Apparently, some folks are advertising about how people who owe more than $10,000…
Keeping your car after it is a total loss
I get this a lot. Someone is involved a car crash. The insurance company for the other side tells them the car is a total loss. They are sure that they want to keep their car. I am sure they…
California Debt Blog: Fees for your debt collection case
I have had a rash of questions lately about fees for lawyers. This comes in the context of personal injury cases, consumer law and malpractice cases. So, let me give a very basic explanation of types of fees and typical…
All About Fees
I have had a rash of questions lately about fees for lawyers. This comes in the context of personal injury cases, consumer law and malpractice cases. So, let me give a very basic explanation of types of fees. Contingency fee:…
California Debt Blog: Mann Bracken Btes the Dust
Another one bites the dust. The interesting thing about this, though, is that Mann Bracken was the largest debt collection law firm in the country and possibly the world. Mann Bracken was formed by the merger between Eskanos and Adler…
Always tell the truth to the insurance company!
I have had a rash of calls lately. People who have been in car accidents and have panicked. That panic has led them to do something dumb: lie to the insurance company. Lying to the insurance company can be insurance…
California Debt Blog: Don’t let bill collectors bite
I wish I could claim credit for the creative title, but I am borrowing it from the Dallas Morning News and Pamela Yip. Ms. Yip has a great column on making sure you don’t let debt collectors bite, even though…
FAQ: Can I drive my friend’s car?
Q: I do not own a car. I do not have auto insurance. Can I drive my friend’s car? A: Yes, this is a real situation. Yes, there are people without auto insurance. About half of car owners do not…
California Debt Blog: Removing an item from your credit report
A lot of people are doing a “New Year, New You” type program. You can buy new diet products or you can get a Bowflex on sale. But now is also a good time to review your credit report. As…
Holiday Decorations Lead to More Fires
This is just a friendly reminder. This time of year there is an increase in the number of fires. These fires are not related to the weather or people burning fires inside. Rather, these fires come from people who are…