I have received a rash of calls lately from people who are about to be foreclosed on or have been foreclosed on. They want to know what to do. For most people, I have to tell them it is too…
California Debt Blog: Debt Collection: Fatal Attraction Style
Talking Points Memo has an interesting article on the alleged fatal attraction style of collection by Auto Financing Network. According to the lawsuit filed by Jennifer Dicks “AFN registered the URL to Dicks’ name and created a site titled ‘Jennifer…
California Debt Blog: ACORN Disrupting Auctions
Today’s Sacramento Bee has an article about ACORN attempting to disrupting foreclosure auctions in Sacramento. The lead paragraph: Protesters disrupted several foreclosure auctions Tuesday on the Sacramento County Courthouse steps, winning a temporary cancellation of one and sending an unidentified…
California Debt Blog: Zombie Debt: A real life story
I have written before about zombie debt. This is a debt that is not owed but debt collectors try to collect on. Here is a story from an emailer about her zombie debt: I owed money to a Macy’s card…
FAQ: Homeowners and Auto Insurance Together?
Q: I have auto and homeowners insurance. Do they need to be with the same insurance company? A: Need to be? No. Should they be? Yes. Done. Oh wait, you want an explanation too, right? Okay, that is where it…
California Debt Blog: MERS: What is it?
At its most basic, MERS is a computer registry for trading loans. You have heard of securitization of mortgages and how that led to the current crisis? MERS is at the heart of that. The NY Times recently wrote about…
What makes a trial lawyer?
This is always a fascinating argument. Here is the debate out of Memphis, TN from my friend James Ferrell. This is simple from my perspective. First, if you want to call yourself a trial attorney, you need to try cases….
California Debt Blog: Midland Funding is at it again
Midland Funding is at it again. I have written before about how they sue folks through Erica Brachfeld. This time they have decided to sue a client – twice. First, Midland Funding sued my client through Ms. Brachfeld. I filed…
Driving Pet Peeves
Okay, I found this in my newspaper this morning and had to share it. Tony Bizjak, the “Back Seat Driver,” presents his list of top 10 pet peeves. The #1 pet peeve – people who use their cell phone without…
California Debt Blog: Debt Settlement Companies – Watch Out
Add the New York Times to people telling you to watch out for debt settlement companies. David Streitfeld wrote this article about what to look out for. The key sentence “More often, they say, a settlement company collects a large…