Q: I had to sue another party. I have a small claims court judgment. Now what? A: The law requires that the defendant submit a statement of income and assets to you. However, this rarely happens. Usually, you will have…
California Debt Blog: FAQ: Its not my debt. What do I do?
Q: Someone ran up charges on a credit card debt. Now they are coming after me for the money. It is not my debt. They say they are going to freeze my account. What do I do? A: A lot…
Don’t pay someone at the scene of an accident
Do not, and I mean never, ever, pay someone at the scene of an accident. Just don’t do it. Nothing good will come from it. A few situations: A – You pay someone for “minor damage.” You don’t have them…
FAQ: My HMO paid my medical bills. Do I have to pay them back?
Q: I was in an accident. My HMO paid my medical bills. I am now settling with the other party’s insurance. Do I have to pay back my HMO? A: Most likely, they can be reimbursed for money they paid…
California Debt Blog: FAQ: I cosigned for a loan. What is my liability?
Q: I cosigned for a friend for a car loan. She stopped making payments. I am now getting calls from the creditor. Am I responsible? A: You are responsible. The creditor can sue you for the full amount of the…
California Debt Blog: FAQ: I was contacted about a 14 year old debt. What do I do?
Q: Myself and my ex were contacted about a 14 year old debt. What can we do about it? A: I would send them a certified letter telling them that you dispute the debt and instructing them not to contact…
California Debt Blog: How to avoid the debt collectors
No, I am not going to tell you how to avoid debt collectors calls. I am going to tell you how to avoid getting your file sent to the debt collector in the first place. Bankrate.com has a great article…
FAQ: My insurance says I am at fault. I don’t think I am. What do I do?
Q: My insurance company says I am at fault for an accident. I don’t think I am. What can I do to fight this? A: Your insurance copmany has the right to settle any claims and make the determination of…
California Debt Blog: FAQ: I paid off a debt and then I got sued on it. What do I do?
Q: I paid off a debt. I was then sued for that same debt. What do I do? A: You may have a case against the attorney and the debt collector who filed the lawsuit for violations of the FDCPA…
FAQ: Can I cut down my neighbor’s tree?
Q: My neighbor’s tree overhangs my property. I am concerned it will damage my house. Can I cut it down? A: You can cut the branches that are hanging over your side of the property. It is a simple rule:…