Q: I was involved in an accident. My health insurer paid for my bills. This is an ERISA plan. Do I have to pay them back? A: ERISA plans are employer provided plans. In this case, it would be a…
Posts Categorized In: Claims
FAQ: Can I get sued for more than my insurance?
Q: I have $15,000 in property damage. I caused an accident and the damage is more. Can I get sued? A: Your insurance company has an obligation to settle within your policy limits, if they can. If they do, then…
FAQ: Can I sue the other person’s insurance company?
Q: I got into a car accident. Can I sue the insurance company for my medical bills? A: Can you sue the other insurance company? No. Can you sue the driver of the other car? Maybe. Let me explain. In…
FAQ: The other person did not have enough insurance. What do I do?
Q: I was involved in an accident and my car was damaged. The other person did not have enough insurance to pay for my repairs. Now what? A: Hopefully, you have collision coverage. If you do, then you can go…
FAQ: How do I get the other person’s insurance information?
Q: I was involved in a collision. I did not get the other person’s information about his insurance company. I am injured now. How do I get the insurance information? A: When you are involved in an accident, you need…
FAQ: I am being sued for more than my insurance. Now what?
Q: I was in an accident. I have a 25/50 policy ($25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident.) I am being sued for personal injury for more than that amount. Now what? A: It depends. If the insurance company had a…
Don’t pay someone at the scene of an accident
Do not, and I mean never, ever, pay someone at the scene of an accident. Just don’t do it. Nothing good will come from it. A few situations: A – You pay someone for “minor damage.” You don’t have them…
FAQ: My HMO paid my medical bills. Do I have to pay them back?
Q: I was in an accident. My HMO paid my medical bills. I am now settling with the other party’s insurance. Do I have to pay back my HMO? A: Most likely, they can be reimbursed for money they paid…
FAQ: My insurance says I am at fault. I don’t think I am. What do I do?
Q: My insurance company says I am at fault for an accident. I don’t think I am. What can I do to fight this? A: Your insurance copmany has the right to settle any claims and make the determination of…
FAQ: I was hit by a drunk driver. HELP!
I was hit by a drunk drive. He doesn’t have enough insurance. I want to go after him personally, but I have underinsured motorist coverage. HELP! Okay, this is a two parter! 1. Is it typical that the drunk drivers…