Its not often that I openly plug an organization, and I can only think of one other that I have plugged, the CPCU Society, but here is another one. United Policyholders is a group who attempts to educate the public…
Posts Categorized In: Claims
Who’s insurance do you make a claim against?
There are a lot of situations where more than more insurance policy can apply. For example, if you are in a condo or townhouse, your neighbor may have a water leak that damages your property. In a business situation, the…
California Fair Claims Practices Act
A lot of people are unsure of their rights when they have an insurance claim. The insurance companies are supposed to send you a letter explaining your rights, but somehow it does not make it to everyone. However, I found…
Allstate is at it again
Once again, we have an insurance company not living up to its end of the bargain. This time, its Allstate who will not pay money it owes! Allstate was ordered to pay additional living expenses by a judge in Texas….
Insurance Company to Pay $5 Million
Fidelity National Insurance Company recently had a $5 Million judgment against them for their claims handling. The problem: they did not pay a couple enough to replace the couple’s house. (See my prior posts on how much insurance you need.)…
Damage to Fire Burned Cars
I know nothing about the politics of France. I admit that I do not pay enough attention to it. But, there was an interesting question on a Google Group about whether the cars being burned would be paid for by…
Fees on PI Cases
Someone asked me the other day if I thought they were charged a fair fee on a personal injury case. It is hard to say. Each case is different, and each attorney runs his/her own office differently. But there are…
Insurance for Slander
Someone wants to know about the type of insurance that would cover you if you slander someone on the internet. Let’s start with the basics: slander is saying something falsehood about someone that causes them injury to their reputation. So,…
Settlement Formulas and the value of your case
With all due respect to the author of AutoAccidentClaims website, there is no formula for figuring out the value of your case. Let me repeat that – there is no formula for figuring out the value of your auto accident…
More Insurance Fraud
This is getting out of control. I posted a few weeks ago about insurance fraud. I wrote that I did not think it deserved the coverage it received. Voila. A rash of insurance fraud cases hit the press. The latest:…