Whenever you are contacted by a debt collector, the initial letter from the debt collector will state that you have the right to request validation of the debt within 30 days. Even a debt collector like Persolve, Midland Funding, CACH,…
Posts Categorized In: Current Affairs
Time to update your estate planning
This is completely off topic, but the point of this blog is to make sure my readers are protected. It has always been about education, with a little fun thrown in on the side. Well, today is all education. In…
California Debt Blog: Update your will or trust
This is completely off topic, but the point of this blog is to make sure my readers are protected. It has always been about education, with a little fun thrown in on the side. Well, today is all education. In…
Watch out for Infinity Insurance’s Policy
Are you insured with Infinity Insurance? Have you read your policy lately? If you are insured with Infinity, you need to stop reading this, get a copy of your policy and read it now. Why the urgent need? Infinity has…
California Debt Blog: Collecting on a debt past the statute of limitations
I have talked about debt collectors collecting on a debt past the statute of limitations before. But, it is time to update this as it continues to happen! The statute of limitations states a certain amount of time for a…
Free Auto Insurance & Homeowners Insurance Review
Do you know what is covered by your insurance policy? Does your car insurance cover you if you are struck by an uninsured motorist? What about med pay coverage? Do you have the right deductibles? Are your auto insurance coverages…
California Debt Blog: FREE Credit Report Review
Did you know that up to 25% of credit reports have an error? Yes, a new study by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) finds that “25 percent of consumers identified errors on their credit reports that might affect their credit…
FAQ: Can I hire a new lawyer?
Question: When I was involved in a car accident, I hired an attorney. I have had a disagreement with my attorney. Now I want to find a new attorney. Can I? The simple answer is: yes. You can fire your…
California Debt Blog: FAQ: How do I fight a wage garnishment?
Question: I recently found out that there is a judgment against me. They are attempting to garnish my wages. How do I fight this? A: There are basically four options if you want to fight a wage garnishment. 1. You…
Do NOT sign a medical authorization
Once again, people are back asking why they should not sign a medical authorization when the insurance company sends you one. It is not that I think it is a bad idea. I think it is a terrible idea. In…