In order to make sense of insurance, you need to know some basic terms. Sadly, no one discusses these terms with anyone. Ever. Seriously, I did not know what these meant until I went to work for the insurance industry….
Posts Categorized In: Homeowners Insurance
5 Insurance Terms You Must Know
In order to make sense of insurance, you need to know some basic terms. Sadly, no one discusses these terms with anyone. Ever. Seriously, I did not know what these meant until I went to work for the insurance industry….
More Tips on Filing a Homeowners Claim
In my last post, I gave you 5 tips on filing a homeowners claim. But there are more than 5 things you can do to make sure that your homeowners claim goes smoothly. Every homeowners insurance policy is a bit…
Tips on Filing a Homeowners Claim
Most of my posts on this blog deal with auto insurance. The primary reason: that is when people need an attorney. I started handling insurance claims almost 20 years ago. In that time, the number of people I saw retain…
Stop Reading the Internet About Personal Injury Claims
This is a huge pet peeve of mine. It sounds weird to write it where people are reading it on the Internet, but please stop reading the Internet. Look, I love the Internet. It is great for a lot of…
Short and simple – be pleasant
This may be the shortest post I will write on this blog, but here goes. The insurance adjuster is not your friend. However, the adjuster is a person and you should treat him or her that way. Even when I…
7 of the Strangest Personal Injury Claims Ever
I came across this today on the internet and had to share it. It makes me think of some of the claims I handled when I was an adjuster. Here are a few of my more memorable cases: the woman…
10 Steps of a Personal Injury Case
I got a lot of calls from people who do not understand how a personal injury case works. They are unsure what happens. I have written about this before, but I thought I would lay out what I see are…
10 Insurance Terms and Their Meanings
I thought it would be good to go back to basics today. Most people hear insurance terms and just assume they know what those words mean. But a lot of words have a special meaning in the insurance context. So,…
FAQ: What insurance do I need?
Question: I don’t know what insurance I should have. How do I figure that out? Answer: This is a tricky question. Let’s start with the basics. (I am going to skip life and health insurance since those are significantly more…