I received two emails today from clients asking about the credit card bail out that they read about on the internet or heard about on the radio. Apparently, some folks are advertising about how people who owe more than $10,000…
Posts Tagged With: debt collection
California Debt Blog: Fees for your debt collection case
I have had a rash of questions lately about fees for lawyers. This comes in the context of personal injury cases, consumer law and malpractice cases. So, let me give a very basic explanation of types of fees and typical…
California Debt Blog: Mann Bracken Btes the Dust
Another one bites the dust. The interesting thing about this, though, is that Mann Bracken was the largest debt collection law firm in the country and possibly the world. Mann Bracken was formed by the merger between Eskanos and Adler…
California Debt Blog: North Carolina Protects Consumers
Effective October 1, 2009, North Carolina consumers have additional protection from debt collectors. Debt collectors in North Carolina are required to produce documents showing that they are the ones who are owed the money. Why is this important? Most credit…