Whenever you are contacted by a debt collector, the initial letter from the debt collector will state that you have the right to request validation of the debt within 30 days. Even a debt collector like Persolve, Midland Funding, CACH,…
Posts Tagged With: FFIF
California Debt Blog: FAQ: My debt has been “charged off.” Do I still owe the debt?
Question: My debt has been charged off on my credit report. I read that I do not owe the debt once it is charged off. Do I still owe the debt? A: YES. Is that clear enough? You still owe…
California Debt Blog: Phony payday debt collectors are back
So it looks like the phony payday debt collectors are back. Don’t confuse debt collectors with these folks. I may not like debt collectors, but even the worst US debt collectors don’t do stuff like these people. Collectors like Persolve…