I previously wrote about mistakes people make with their credit when they are trying to increase their credit score. There are some very basic things you can do that most people think are helping them, but really are not helping…
Posts Tagged With: TransUnion
California Debt Blog: 5 Mistakes People Make With Their Credit
People are concerned, rightly so, about their credit scores. A lot of people are trying to do what they can to increase their credit score. While a commendable goal, there are some things you should NOT do. Here are 5…
California Debt Blog: IRS Scam Warning
There is a new scam running around where someone calls you pretending to be from the IRS. Let me say this again: YOU CANNOT BE ARRESTED FOR NOT PAYING A DEBT. Also, the IRS will write to you and will…
California Debt Blog: Debts Canceled by Bankruptcy Still Mar Consumer Credit Scores
This is a scary story from the New York Times. You think zombies are just on bad tv shows and in movies. But it turns out, that there are zombies in real life: zombie debts, at least. Here is the…
I previously gave you 5 mistakes to avoid with your credit. So as people are ramping up their holiday shopping, I thought I would share with you 5 more mistakes to avoid with your credit. The difference between good credit…